Venezuela categorically rejects unilateral coercive measures by the United States against Iran - MPPRE

Venezuela categorically rejects unilateral coercive measures by the United States against Iran

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its most outright rejection to the unilateral coercive measures of the government of the United States of America against the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose imposition and continuation violate the agreements signed and the rules governing the international law.

Such measures represent an aggravated aggression against the Iranian nation by violating the most elemental right of its People. Importation of medicines, medical supplies and agricultural food products, is a human right that should not be restricted under any context.

Venezuela further regrets the announcement of the denunciation of the 1955 Iran-United States Treaty of Amity, by Trump’s administration; a measure that highlights the disregard of the government towards the commitments made, its authoritarian conception of international relations, as well as its attempt to sustain U.S. world hegemony, already declining, imposing its unilateralism and exceptionality criterion to the world.

The People and the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela extend their broadest support and effective solidarity to the People and Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by continuing to spare no effort within the international community, to find the paths to reach the cessation of the unilateral coercive measures that seriously violate the rights of the Iranian People.

Venezuela hopes for the triumph of the diplomacy of multilateralism, the dialogue and the respect to the self-determination of the Peoples, for sovereignty, peace and harmony prevail among nations.

Caracas, October 5th, 2018

Venezuela categorically rejects unilateral coercive measures by the United States against Iran (PDF)