Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza: 'With its permanent meddling, the U.S. government shows unequivocal signs of imperialist decay' - MPPRE

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza: ‘With its permanent meddling, the U.S. government shows unequivocal signs of imperialist decay’

With its permanent meddling, the US government shows unequivocal signs of imperialist confusion and decay, affirmed Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza.

The Venezuelan foreign minister rejected on his Twitter account @jaarreaza the recent statement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meddling in Venezuela’s domestic affairs.

“Despite all the aggressions, Venezuela is standing, defending the Constitutional, sovereign and socialist path it chose in peace, democracy and freedom,” tweeted Arreaza.

The Venezuelan diplomat highlighted the fact that the U.S. “is suffering the worst humanitarian crisis in the world with more than 100,000 death due to COVID-19. Its streets are burning with the anger and frustration of a segregated, excluded and humiliated population.”

Meanwhile, he added, Trump’s government insists on meddling in Venezuela’s domestic affairs.

Foreign minister Arreasa also referred to recent statements made by U.S. Representative Elliott Abrams informing that the White House warned governments, seaports, shipping companies and insurers that they could face severe sanctions if they aid Iran’s tanker fleet bringing fuel to Venezuela.

In recent days, four Iranian tankers have brought fuel and other supplies to the Latin American country, severely affected by unilateral coercive measures imposed by Washington.

“Further actions and confessions of the perverse responsibility of Donald Trump’s government for Venezuela’s fuel shortage. They are threatening shipping companies, seaports and insurers facilitating shipment of fuel to the country with sanctions,” denounced Foreign Minister Arreaza, who said that this evidence will be added to the referral filed last February by Venezuela against the United States in the International Criminal Court.