Venezuela takes note of the report published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights which ratifies the perverse effect of Unilateral Coercive Measures - MPPRE

Venezuela takes note of the report published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights which ratifies the perverse effect of Unilateral Coercive Measures

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela takes note of the report published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on September 9th, 2021, regarding the situation of economic, social and cultural rights in the country and the relations of cooperation between the Venezuelan State and said Office.

The aforementioned document reaffirms the devastating effects of the unilateral coercive measures adopted by the government of the United States of America against the country as of 2014, including the decrease of 99% of the national income, as well as the existence of elements to consider that such measures imply the commission of crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of the Rome Statute and in harmony with the Referral made by Venezuela before the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

However, it is unfortunate that the aforementioned report replicates the methodological flaws present in previous documents of the Office and incorporates unfounded assertions, which have not been duly contrasted with the State authorities, as required by its own work methodology.

In this sense, Venezuela rejects the false assertions in the report regarding alleged arbitrary detentions or persecutions for the exercise of defense of human rights, as they are part of the political script of those who use this matter to attack Venezuela.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ratifies that it will continue to cooperate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in the basis of respect for the truth and the principles of objectivity, non-selectivity, impartiality, non-interference in internal affairs and constructive dialogue as a mechanism to raise the truth of Venezuelan before this body.

For this purpose, it has been agreed to renew the Letter of Understanding between Venezuela and the Office of the High Commissioner for a period of one year, increasing the presence of officials of the Office in the country and expanding the areas of technical assistance and cooperation. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ratifies its unwavering commitment to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights as the only path to achieve peace and tranquility for the Venezuelan people.

Caracas, September 13th, 2021