Venezuela denounces fraud and usurpation of consular activities in Brazil - MPPRE

Venezuela denounces fraud and usurpation of consular activities in Brazil

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela addresses the international community and the Venezuelan People on the occasion to refer to the fraudulent activities of alleged consular nature, carried out by persons who intend to usurp the legitimate Venezuelan consular service. On this occasion, reference is made to the information recently disclosed in the Federative Republic of Brazil, which announces, with the unusual consent of the Brazilian government, some supposed consular attention days in charge of fictitious authorities, without any endorsement or contact with the institutions of the Venezuelan State, which lack the authority to issue or alter legal documents. Therefore, it is necessary to warn Venezuelan citizens who, in good faith, resort to the use of these fraudulent services abroad, that the documents issued through this mechanism will be null and void and that their alteration, as well as the falsification of official seals, are criminalized, not only in the Venezuelan legal system, but also worldwide and carry penalties, both for those who facilitate the falsifications and for those who make use of such altered documents or falsified seals.    

Caracas, October 3rd, 2020