Venezuela, South Africa review cooperation agreements, pledge to strengthen bilateral relations - MPPRE

Venezuela, South Africa review cooperation agreements, pledge to strengthen bilateral relations

Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia and the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Venezuela Joseph Nkosi held on Thursday a meeting to review the bilateral cooperation agenda and discuss the international geopolitical panorama.

At the meeting, the two diplomats assessed the progress made since the endorsement of important agreements at the Venezuela-South Africa Business Forum, held in January 2020, for trade, mining, oil, agricultural and tourist cooperation, and pledged to move forward with and deepen the bilateral cooperation between their countries.

The Venezuelan foreign minister and the South African ambassador reviewed the results of the Venezuela-South Africa Business Forum in strategic areas related to the following agreements:

  • Cooperation Agreement between the Venezuela-South Africa Business Chamber and the Federation of Chambers and Associations of Artisans, Micro, Small and Mid-size Industries and Companies of Venezuela (Fedeindustria).
  • Letter of Intention between the Ministry of People’s Power for Ecological Mining Development of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Aquaworx of the Republic of South Africa for cooperation in mining.
  • Letter of Intention between the the Ministry of People’s Power for Ecological Mining Development of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Eqol of the Republic of South Africa for cooperation in mining.

In recent years, Venezuela and South Africa have not only strengthened their economic relatios, but also deepened their cooperation, solidarity-based ties in different international scenarios such as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), among other spaces for political concertation.