Venezuelan State expands training on Ibero-American Cooperation - MPPRE

Venezuelan State expands training on Ibero-American Cooperation

This Thursday a workshop on Ibero-American Cooperation was held to allow representatives of different ministries and entities of the public administration of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to strengthen their knowledge about this multilateral integration system, its foundations, programs, spaces and specific areas of cooperation, and how can they be inserted.

Alexander Yánez, Vice-minister for Multilateral Issues of the People’s Power Ministry for Foreign Relations and national coordinator of Venezuela before the Ibero-American Conference, stressed that this mechanism constitutes an opportunity, in the context of current circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the unilateral coercives measures imposed by the United States.

He explained that because the unilateral coercive measures affect the use of resources for internal purposes in health, culture and education, it is important to strengthen international cooperation policy as a formula to contain the effects that these measures have on Venezuelan society.

The workshop was organized by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry in conjunction with the Sub-Regional Office for the Andean Countries of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (Segib).

The activity covered the basic foundations of Ibero-American Cooperation, the systematization work carried out by Segib on South-South and Triangular Ibero-American Cooperation and the role that Venezuela plays in it, in addition to the bases and scope of the Programs, Initiatives and Affiliated Projects of the cooperation mechanism.