Minister for Indigenous Peoples holds a working meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross - MPPRE

Minister for Indigenous Peoples holds a working meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross

The People’s Power Minister for Indigenous Peoples, Aloha Núñez, met Tuesday with members of the International Committee of the Red Cross, with whom she talked about the progress of the body governing the public policies on indigenous issues around the challenges for the 2020 year. “From the Ministry we are ready to work as a team and have a joint agenda to articulate efforts and seek cooperation mechanisms. By 2020 we have set 6 specific projects, including the fields of education; socio-productive to consolidate a larger-scale economy, social care to keep responding to the most vulnerable communities, the consolidation of basic services and the Gran Mision Vivienda Venezuela Indigena to boost 6,000 homes from our institution. We have great challenges ahead; We continue to build Homeland for the Indians”, she said. The International Committee of the Red Cross has had a permanent presence in Venezuela since the agreement signed in 2000, by the commander and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez. On October 25, during his visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan to participate in the eighteenth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), President Nicolás Maduro held a bilateral meeting with the president of this international instance, Peter Maurer, where they ratified the commitment to continue working in favor of universal humanitarian principles in the country.
Venezuela y Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja ratifican compromiso de trabajo

Ministra para Pueblos Indígenas sostiene encuentro de trabajo con Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja