President Evo Morales condemns Almagro's call to the military intervention in Venezuela - MPPRE

President Evo Morales condemns Almagro’s call to the military intervention in Venezuela

The president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Evo Morales, condemned the recent declarations of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, through which he incited the military intervention of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

“We condemn the call of Luis Almagro to a military intervention against Brother Nicolás Maduro. This confirms that he ceased to be secretary general of the OAS to become a civilian agent of Trump’s coup to attack against Venezuela is to attack Latin America”, the Bolivian president said through his Twitter account @evoespueblo.

On the same subject, President Morales alluded to the release issued by the so-called Lima Group – a gathering of Latin American governments that has assumed an interventionist policy in the Bolivarian Republic’s affairs – in rejection “of any action or declaration that implies a military intervention or violence, threat or use of force in Venezuela”

“The so-called Lima Group rejected military intervention against Venezuela and left Luis Almagro alone in his coup obsession, servile empire’s agent. It is a defeat of Trump’s interventionism and a victory of the dignity and courage of the venezuelan and latin american brotherhood”, added the Bolivian dignitary.

In a recent visit to the Colombian city of Cúcuta, on the border with Venezuela, the OAS Secretary General declared that “as for a military intervention to overthrow the Maduro regime, I believe we should not discard any option.