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Venezuela continúa avanzando con la Diplomacia Bolivariana de Paz Presidente insta al ALBA-TCP a mantener en movilización permanente en repudio al fascismo en el mundo Presidente Maduro participa en el encuentro "Alternativa Social Mundial” Presidente condena reimposición de sanciones de EE. UU. a Venezuela Conozca los 5 acuerdos estratégicos suscritos por Venezuela y Vietnam Presidente Maduro sostuvo encuentro bilateral con Vice Primer Ministro de Vietnam


Plan of the Homeland 2019 – 2025

«We have already approved, as mandated by the Constitution, the Plan of the Homeland 2019-2025 as the Constituent Law of the Republic, of mandatory duty and compliance for all institutions (…) Our path is that of building the future, of the Constitution , the center of the life of the happiness of the people. It is the historical path of the Homeland. It is the path of the Homeland through history that is about to be built towards the future.
Let us see ourselves as builders of the immense path of Libertador Bolívar, as continuators of Zamora’s legacy of equality and social justice. Let us see ourselves as continuators of the legacy of Hugo Chávez that he left written for the future, but, above all, as builders of the future history that is to be made in Venezuela”

Nicolás Maduro


Multilateral Organizations

Venezuela at the UN Human Rights Council

New victory for the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace! With 105 votes and a round of applause, Venezuela was elected as a full member for the 2020-2022 period of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN). In a secret vote, the 193 members of the UN General Assembly renewed 14 of the 47 countries that make up the Council.